Opinions Are Like Assholes

 Ever wonder who came up with that saying, “opinions are like assholes?” I googled it, it doesn’t specifically say, but it does say that everyone has one and they all stink. LOL 

I suppose that is true on many levels. 

I have not written in a while and considered taking my entire website down. Why? The opinions of others. I am not naive. I knew when I started writing I would graciously receive the opinions of others whether I wanted them or not and I have, oh I have. 

Most of the “negative”  opinions I have received have been from those who think I have written something closely related to them. I have in fact written about MY perspective or perception of things related or experienced that involved them. 

The feed back was harsh. It was hurtful. I almost quit. 

I recently ran in to a dear friend at a local Farmer’s Market. She mentioned to that she hasn’t seen a blog from me lately and asked if I was still writing? I hold much respect for this woman, who is also a GREAT writer. She told me once before I started that I should do it and share my story, my perspective with the world. That inspired me. 

She re-lit that fire in me when she nonchalantly asked me if I was still writing. Like, someone is actually reading what I write, even if its only one person. It reminded me that I am not writing for the opinions of people. I am writing to the world for healing. Healing within myself and helping others to heal through knowing they are not alone in their struggles. 

So I am going to keep writing, I am going to keep sharing my story. I am going to keep giving you hope without the thought of others opinions. I will leave with this beautiful quote I found completely empowering for me. 

“Their opinion is not your reality.” Keep being you and rest in the thought what you have to say matters. 

Love & Light,

 - H


Life Lately


Just Stop Reaching