“If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes’

Another year is coming to an end. I personally feel this year has gone by so fast. I feel like it was just summer and now its Christmas. I like to take this time to reflect on the past year, the things that I have completed or things I didn’t get done. I hold space for gratitude for the things I have and for the tasks not completed I decide on whether or not to carry them into a new year. Some make the cut others don’t hold value anymore and I let them go. 

Change is often inevitable, it happens simultaneously regardless of what we want, but do you ever feel like the world around you is changing yet somehow you are stuck? Stuck in the same place, the same patterns, same job, same routines?  I find myself here often which is almost funny to say considering how busy I am. In a meeting with a friend and business partner she mentioned that she is never sure which direction I am going. I often start one direction then somehow I shift and I am heading somewhere else. I suppose that to be true. 

My ex husband used to tell me that my indecisiveness and need to change was a lack of commitment to things. I really believed that for a long time, but I don’t do well being complacent. I love routine, but I like growth too. We simply cannot grow if we stay rooted. Now I am not saying go out and quit your job, I am simply saying is re-evaluate where change is needed in your life to allow growth. 

The world gases itself up for the new year, with all its resolutions, which is great  however, I like to take advantage of a new beginnings everyday. I love the intimacy the early morning brings, the quiet that offers clarity before the world takes it over. It gives me an opportunity to decide what I want to do with the day. 

My motto for 2025.. “If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes”. I read and re-read this to myself daily. I don’t think I always understood what reflection meant until recently. I say to often when I teach Yoga or when I am talking to someone, but to apply it to my own life, that is a different story. When I look back over the last year of my life I utilize this “motto”.  Reflection lets me see where I started and those five words allow me to see where growth needs to happen. 

So if you find yourself in a space where you feel smothered, a job you hate, your unhappy with your home, things just aren’t right, then take some time to reflect this past year and decide where you can change things. I know not everything will happen at once but start with something small. Something like waking a little extra early, take a little time just for yourself before your day begins. Make a list of your dreams, your goals, look at them often, every single day. Let this be the your time to shift in to the life you want and need. Let this be your year of opportunity and growth. Let this year be about you. Get excited about your life, fall in love with it. Set the fear of failure and negativity aside. 

After all if nothing changes, nothing changes.

Love & Light, H


“The Truth About Lies”


The Most UnChristmasy Christmas Ever.